Ladybirds - Year 1
Hello Ladybirds and welcome to our class page!
I hope you have had a restful and relaxing summer holiday and are ready for an exciting new term of learning in Year 1 as a Ladybird. I know that you are going to do so well and enjoy all of your new topics.
This term the focus of our topic will be on toys. It is a history based topic that will be looking at how toys have changed over the years.
Through this topic we will also be looking at our bodies and our 5 senses within science, learning how to log on and off of the laptops and developing our balancing and co-ordination skills in PE.
We also have a lovely trip to the allotment planned.
We will be looking at some beautiful books to support our learning in English. We have a lot of lovely learning to do this term and you will be able to find out more about this on our topic map below.
Below is a link to this terms topic map.
Reading is so important and is such an enjoyable aspect of our day. Please continue to read, share and enjoy books at home with you child. You can also continue to practice any sight words that your child may have.
We are encouraging the children to read daily to their buddy bear. Certificates and coloured ribbons will be awarded to the children for their continued participation in reading at home.
Phonics Bug and e-books
At school, we use Bug Club resources during our Phonics lessons and supporting games and e-books are available for children to use to support their learning at home. Please log in to your child's account using their personal log in details, which are on the front of their reading diary.
Phonics Play also has some interactive reading and spelling games for your child to complete.
Phonics Screen
During the summer term, all Year 1 children complete the statutory Phonics Screening Check (PSC). Any child who does not reach the national standard at the end of Year 1 is given extra support during Year 2 to help them achieve the national standard at the end of Key Stage 1.
With the upcoming phonics screen for Year 1 coming up in June, Please find below documents to support your child with the National Phonics Screening Test. These are past papers for you to use with your child at home.
In maths we are looking at addition and subtraction with 10 and 20.
we will be looking also at place value up to 50 and will also be completing some additions using these numbers
We are continuing to develop our confidence in finding one more and one less than a given number and will be comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to.
We will be reviewing and practicing our number bonds to 10 and 20 as well as our doubles.
There are some lovely dances and counting songs that we do regularly with the children in school as well as some fun interactive games.
I have included links to these below.